Titans West: Sound Decisions

  • Titans West, including Hawk, Dove, Golden Eagle, Arisia, Bumblebee, and Herald, gather for an emergency meeting. Dawn Granger (Dove) updates the team on recent events, sharing how she spotted Sonar, a Modoran villain interested in a college professor's nucleo-sonic armor prototype. Titans West discuss Modora and Sonar's recent activities and a potential change in his status as the new ruler. Hawk wants to confront him, but Dove emphasizes the need for more information and a diplomatic approach. Bumblebee suggests detective work. The next morning, Andrei Szackas nervously takes Sonar to a secluded quarry for a demonstration of the nucleo-sonic armor, not realizing that Golden Eagle and the other Titans are covertly observing their actions. Andrei Szackas dons the nucleo-sonic armor, showcasing its flight and offensive capabilities to Sonar. Impressed, Sonar plans to head back to Modora. The team continues their investigation. [“Titans West: Sound Decisions, Chapter 1: The Demonstration”]
  • Titans West reach Modora in disguise and are given language abilities by Arisia's power ring. They plan to investigate the castle but are denied entry. While the others watch the street, Hawk and Arisia become invisible and explore the castle, discovering a chained young man within an energy field. They free him and plan to escape undetected. Dove and Golden Eagle are blending in with the Modoran locals when they are suddenly invisibly lifted by Arisia, joining Hawk and the young man whom they rescued from Sonar's imprisonment who turns out to be Air Wave II (Hal Jordan). Returning to the United States, they plan to keep an eye on Sonar rather than confront him yet. The next evening, Sonar (Bito Wladon) woos Cassandra De Granaco, ruler of the neighboring nation of Granaco, proposing a marriage to merge nations and access power, marking the next step in his elaborate plan for dominance. Cassandra agrees, but as she watches Sonar leave, she envisions power and control for herself with Sonar as her pawn. [“Titans West: Sound Decisions, Chapter 2: Liberation”]
  • Titans_West_Sound_Decisions.txt
  • Last modified: 2023/10/16 06:33
  • by docquantum