Spurs Jackson, a cowboy, rancher, and electronic engineer, meets men from Mars led by Korok who land their flying saucer at Jackson's Bar-Z Ranch in Arizona, attracted there by Jackson's experimental moon missiles. When the Martians bring Jackson, along with a horse and his ranch hands
Hank Roper and
Strong Bow, back to Mars with them, Jackson learns that Queen Thula must give up her rulership over Mars because Korok claims to have conquered the Earth. Jackson wins Thula's throne back for her and ends up becoming prime minister of Mars. Becoming known as the Space Vigilantes, and equipped with a Martian spaceship and armed with six-guns that fire miniature atomic bombs,“ they fight various menaces on both Earth and Mars, including outlaws, evil Martians, and Nazis in space. [“The Saucer Men,” Space Western Comics #40 (September-October, 1952)]