In Switzerland, Batman and the Outsiders investigate Metamorpho's kidnapping and discover a tunnel leading into the Earth. After walking miles into the tunnel, they encounter a mind-controlled Metamorpho and try to knock him back to normal. Batman discovers the strange figures who control him and is knocked unconscious, while the others battle Metamorpho and are also knocked out. They are brought to Princess Tamira of Abyssia, who takes Geo-Force and Halo and leaves the others behind. Batman fights a bat-creature and revives Katana and Black Lightning. They are found by agents of Prince Mardo, lord of Abyssia, and brought to that underground city-state, where they find Emily Briggs, who has been given a costume. They learn that Prince Mardo wishes to kill his sister, Princess Tamira. Meanwhile, Princess Tamira plans the death of Prince Mardo. [“The Truth About Looker, Part 2: The People of the Abyss,” Batman and the Outsiders #29 (January, 1986)]