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Timeline_of_Earth-1_prehistory_to_18th_century [2020/05/23 20:34] – [2.4 billion years ago:] docquantumTimeline_of_Earth-1_prehistory_to_18th_century [2023/01/04 03:00] – [3.5 billion years ago:] docquantum
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 =====10 billion years ago===== =====10 billion years ago=====
-  * The ancestors of the Oans (proto-Oans) are born on the planet Maltus, where they develop incredible psychokinetic abilities.+  * The Proto-Oans, the ancestor race of the Oans (that will eventually become the Guardians of the Universe, the Controllers, and the Zamarons) are born on the planet Maltus, where they develop incredible psychokinetic abilities. ["Five Billion Years," Green Lantern v2 #200 (May, 1986).]
   * The Monitor is born on Oa's moon after its creation. He spends his life in silent meditation, learning the secrets of the universe. Meanwhile, the Anti-Monitor is born on the moon of Qward after its creation in the antimatter universe. The Anti-Monitor grows powerful and easily takes control of Qward, creating an army of Thunderers, then formed an elite personal guard from the Thunderers called the Shadow Demons. The Anti-Monitor spreads his reign of terror throughout the antimatter universe. //Note: The text claims that the Anti-Monitor and the Monitor were created as a result of Krona's actions, but this can only mean that Krona's actions affected the distant past in addition to the present.// [Crisis on Infinite Earths #7]   * The Monitor is born on Oa's moon after its creation. He spends his life in silent meditation, learning the secrets of the universe. Meanwhile, the Anti-Monitor is born on the moon of Qward after its creation in the antimatter universe. The Anti-Monitor grows powerful and easily takes control of Qward, creating an army of Thunderers, then formed an elite personal guard from the Thunderers called the Shadow Demons. The Anti-Monitor spreads his reign of terror throughout the antimatter universe. //Note: The text claims that the Anti-Monitor and the Monitor were created as a result of Krona's actions, but this can only mean that Krona's actions affected the distant past in addition to the present.// [Crisis on Infinite Earths #7]
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 =====5 billion years ago===== =====5 billion years ago=====
-  * The proto-Oans gain immortality.+  * The Proto-Oans on Maltus have by this time evolved to their present state of immortality. ["Five Billion Years," Green Lantern v2 #200 (May, 1986).]
 ====4.5 billion years ago==== ====4.5 billion years ago====
Line 29: Line 29:
   * The surface of the Earth cools, changing from molten to solid rock.   * The surface of the Earth cools, changing from molten to solid rock.
 ====3.5 billion years ago:==== ====3.5 billion years ago:====
-  * The proto-Oans migrate to the planet Oa in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy and create the Manhunters to police the universe.+  * The Proto-Oans migrate from Maltus to the planet Oa in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, where they create a group of blue-skinned androids to police the universe called the Manhunters. ["Five Billion Years," Green Lantern v2 #200 (May, 1986).]
   * Monocellular life is formed on Earth.   * Monocellular life is formed on Earth.
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   * The Great Oxidation Event introduces free oxygen into Earth's atmosphere, poisoning anaerobic organisms.   * The Great Oxidation Event introduces free oxygen into Earth's atmosphere, poisoning anaerobic organisms.
   * The Huronian Ice Age begins on Earth, lasting 300 million years.   * The Huronian Ice Age begins on Earth, lasting 300 million years.
-  * The Earth's sun is red at this time, possibly because of cosmic interference. Neverwas, a protoplasmic, amoeba-like creature, comes into being, possessing strange powers such as the ability to open up portals into the future or the past. At some point in its existence it travels forward in time to the age of dinosaurs. //Note: It's probable that Neverwas originally arose billions of years ago during a more primitive era, and used its powers to travel forward through time more than once to reach the dinosaur age.// ["Neverwas, the Chaos-Maker," Justice League of America #68 (December, 1968)]+  * The Earth's sun is red at this time, possibly because of cosmic interference. ["Neverwas, the Chaos-Maker," Justice League of America #68 (December, 1968)] 
 +  * Neverwas, a protoplasmic, amoeba-like creature who is possibly the first intelligent life to form on Earth, comes into being, possessing strange powers such as the ability to open up portals into the future or the past. At some point in its existence it travels forward in time to the age of dinosaurs. //Note: It's probable that Neverwas originally arose billions of years ago during a more primitive era, and used its powers to travel forward through time more than once to reach the dinosaur age.// ["Neverwas, the Chaos-Maker," Justice League of America #68 (December, 1968)] 
 +  * Neverwas hurls a luxury beach hotel from 1978 A.D. to this era through a time portal. Superman follows after it, but loses his powers under the red sun, until Neverwas opens up another time portal that allows him to bring himself and the motel back to the 20th century, and hurl Neverwas back to his own era, after giving him a giant robot toy to keep himself too occupied to travel through time again. ["Neverwas, the Chaos-Maker," Justice League of America #68 (December, 1968)]
 ====1.1 billion years ago:==== ====1.1 billion years ago:====
Line 51: Line 53:
   * The Timeless Ones, a powerful beneficent race of blue-skinned, mentally powerful beings, capture the Demons Three and imprison them in vast chambers under ice, sand, and water. But before the Demons Three are overwhelmed by the Timeless Ones, they create the Red Jar of Calythos, the Green Bell of Uthool, and the Silver Wheel of Nyorlath with which to eventually free them from any spell used to bind them. The Demons Three languish in their prisons for close to a billion years, until Felix Faust attempts to free them in 1975 AD. //Note: It is possible that the Timeless Ones are Oans, either the Guardians of the Universe or the Controllers before they evolved into their current forms, or perhaps the Lords of Order.// ["The Fantastic Fingers of Felix Faust," Justice League of America #10 (March, 1962)]   * The Timeless Ones, a powerful beneficent race of blue-skinned, mentally powerful beings, capture the Demons Three and imprison them in vast chambers under ice, sand, and water. But before the Demons Three are overwhelmed by the Timeless Ones, they create the Red Jar of Calythos, the Green Bell of Uthool, and the Silver Wheel of Nyorlath with which to eventually free them from any spell used to bind them. The Demons Three languish in their prisons for close to a billion years, until Felix Faust attempts to free them in 1975 AD. //Note: It is possible that the Timeless Ones are Oans, either the Guardians of the Universe or the Controllers before they evolved into their current forms, or perhaps the Lords of Order.// ["The Fantastic Fingers of Felix Faust," Justice League of America #10 (March, 1962)]
   * Multicellular organisms appear on Earth.   * Multicellular organisms appear on Earth.
 +  * The Xan, a race of tall, handsome humans from another planet, establish a super-civilization on Earth, living in sky-cities built by advanced science. As expert builders of robots and androids, their crowning achievement is Eterno, a nearly 50-foot-tall half-robot, half-android constructed to live forever, energized by cosmic radiation, and given the complete knowledge of the Xan in his artificial brain. Although Eterno was incredibly wise and powerful, he planned to conquer Earth for himself. Before he could do so, a cloud of space gas drifted to Earth that the Xan knew could kill them off. Eterno traveled to the earth's core to find absorbium, the only element that could combat the space gas, but the absorbium caused Eterno to become paralyzed for nearly a billion years until he is temporarily freed in the year 1977 AD by the Superman Revenge Squad. Meanwhile, the Xan become extinct from the space gas. //Note: The Xan are said to have lived about a billion years ago, but their civilization probably arose after the Demons Three are defeated by the Timeless Ones. Possibly the Timeless Ones invited the Xan to Earth in order to ensure that the Demons Three would remain captive.// ["Eterno the Immortal," Action Comics #343 (November, 1966)]
 ====750 million years ago:==== ====750 million years ago:====
   * On Earth, the continent Rodinia breaks up, and the supercontinent Pannotia forms.   * On Earth, the continent Rodinia breaks up, and the supercontinent Pannotia forms.
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 =====Mesozoic Era===== =====Mesozoic Era=====
 ====250 million years ago:==== ====250 million years ago:====
-  * The Xan, a race of tall, handsome humans from another planet, establish a super-civilization on Earth, living in sky-cities built by advanced science. As expert builders of robots and androids, their crowning achievement is Eterno, a nearly 50-foot-tall half-robot, half-android constructed to live forever, energized by cosmic radiation, and given the complete knowledge of the Xan in his artificial brain. Although Eterno was incredibly wise and powerful, he planned to conquer Earth for himself. Before he could do so, a cloud of space gas drifted to Earth that the Xan knew could kill them off. Eterno traveled to the earth's core to find absorbium, the only element that could combat the space gas, but the absorbium caused Eterno to become paralyzed for a billion years until he is temporarily freed in the year 1977 AD by the Superman Revenge Squad. Meanwhile, the cloud of space gas causes Earth's largest mass extinction, the Permian-Triassic extinction event. //Note: The Xan are said to have lived about a billion years ago, but it is more likely that the mass extinction that killed them off is a known event, which must be somewhat more recent.// ["Eterno the Immortal," Action Comics #343 (November, 1966)] 
   * Permian–Triassic extinction event: Earth's largest extinction kills 57% of all families, 83% of all genera, and 90% to 96% of all species (53% of marine families, 84% of marine genera, about 96% of all marine species, and an estimated 70% of land species, including insects). The "Great Dying" has enormous evolutionary significance: on land, it ends the primacy of mammal-like reptiles. The recovery of vertebrates takes 30 million years, but the vacant niches create the opportunity for archosaurs to become ascendant. In the seas, the percentage of animals that were sessile drop from 67% to 50%. The whole late Permian is a difficult time for at least marine life, even before the "Great Dying."   * Permian–Triassic extinction event: Earth's largest extinction kills 57% of all families, 83% of all genera, and 90% to 96% of all species (53% of marine families, 84% of marine genera, about 96% of all marine species, and an estimated 70% of land species, including insects). The "Great Dying" has enormous evolutionary significance: on land, it ends the primacy of mammal-like reptiles. The recovery of vertebrates takes 30 million years, but the vacant niches create the opportunity for archosaurs to become ascendant. In the seas, the percentage of animals that were sessile drop from 67% to 50%. The whole late Permian is a difficult time for at least marine life, even before the "Great Dying."
   * The supercontinent Pangaea begins to break up on Earth.   * The supercontinent Pangaea begins to break up on Earth.
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 ====150 million years ago:==== ====150 million years ago:====
   * Birds begin to appear on Earth. Pterodactyls thrive on Earth.   * Birds begin to appear on Earth. Pterodactyls thrive on Earth.
-  * The Earth's sun is red at this time, possibly because of cosmic interference["Neverwas, the Chaos-Maker," Justice League of America #68 (December, 1968)] +  * The amoeba-like Neverwas time travels to the dinosaur ageLiving in fear of other creatures such as pterodactyls, Neverwas opens another portal through time to the year 1978 A.D., where it battles the Justice League of America until they return him to his original era billions of years earlier. //Note: It is likely that this is not Neverwas' original era, since he is stated to be from billions, not millions, of years in the past.// ["Neverwas, the Chaos-Maker," Justice League of America #68 (December, 1968)]
-  * Neverwas, a protoplasmic, amoeba-like creature, comes into being, possessing strange powers but fearing other creatures such as pterodactyls. It opens portal through time to the year 1978 A.D., where it battles the Justice League of America until Superman lures the childlike being back to its original era, along with a giant toy robot to keep it company. //Note: It's possible that Neverwas originally arose billions of years earlier during a more primitive era, and used its powers to travel forward through time more than once to reach the dinosaur age.// ["Neverwas, the Chaos-Maker," Justice League of America #68 (December, 1968)]+
 ====120 million years ago:==== ====120 million years ago:====
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 =====1.04 million years ago===== =====1.04 million years ago=====
   * On Krypton, where science was just beginning to mature, a nuclear disaster wrecks a whole town and kills thousands, prompting the government to forbid all scientific research. As a result of outlawing science, civilization on Krypton is stunted for many thousands of years. ["The War Between Krypton and Earth," Adventure Comics #333 (June, 1965)]   * On Krypton, where science was just beginning to mature, a nuclear disaster wrecks a whole town and kills thousands, prompting the government to forbid all scientific research. As a result of outlawing science, civilization on Krypton is stunted for many thousands of years. ["The War Between Krypton and Earth," Adventure Comics #333 (June, 1965)]
-  * On Earth, during a time when the sun is red (possibly because of a cloud of space gas altering the sun's rays), a group of colonists from the star system of Vruun led by Jhor Lal establish a colony that they call Atlantis, fleeing from the cruel tyrants who rule their world. A few members of the Legion of Super-Heroes (Brainiac 5, Star Boy, Chameleon Boy, Light Lass, and Phantom Girl) arrive via time travel from the 30th century A.D. and help them complete the city of Atlantis, the first human city on Earth. //Note: This date is never firmly established except as "millions of years ago," but the the date can be established as one million years before 43,000 BC, since Atlantis has been in existence for one million years by then. It's likely that the Earth's sun was artificially turned red for a time, possibly by the space gas that killed off the Xan, since scientific data suggests that by this time the Earth's sun was nearly as bright as it is today, and was definitely the same hue.// ["The War Between Krypton and Earth," Adventure Comics #333 (June, 1965)]+  * On Earth, during a time when the sun is red (possibly because of a cloud of space gas altering the sun's rays), a group of colonists from the star system of Vruun led by Jhor Lal establish a colony that they call Atlantis, fleeing from the cruel tyrants who rule their world. A few members of the Legion of Super-Heroes (Brainiac 5, Star Boy, Chameleon Boy, Light Lass, and Phantom Girl) arrive via time travel from the 30th century A.D. and help them complete the city of Atlantis, the first human city on Earth. //Note: This date is never firmly established except as "millions of years ago," but the the date can be established as one million years before 43,000 BC, since Atlantis has been in existence for one million years by then. It's likely that the Earth's sun was artificially turned red for a time, possibly by space gas similar to that which killed off the Xan, since scientific data suggests that by this time the Earth's sun was nearly as bright as it is today, and was definitely the same hue.// ["The War Between Krypton and Earth," Adventure Comics #333 (June, 1965)]
   * On Krypton, a scientist named Zat-El, hiding in the Jewel Mountains along with a small number of Kryptonians who practice science, which is at this time outlawed, builds a space ark. A few members of the Legion of Super-Heroes (Superboy, Saturn Girl, Lightning Lad, Element Lad, and Colossal Boy), arrive from the 30th century and assist the construction of the space ark. The Kryptonians, accompanied by the Legionnaires from the future, leave Krypton with supplies and a group of giant, dinosaur-like reptiles. They arrive on prehistoric Earth and establish a colony on what is now Western North America. Having believed that Earth was uninhabited by any intelligent species, they are surprised to discover that a colony from Vruun has already been established as Atlantis. ["The War Between Krypton and Earth," Adventure Comics #333 (June, 1965)]   * On Krypton, a scientist named Zat-El, hiding in the Jewel Mountains along with a small number of Kryptonians who practice science, which is at this time outlawed, builds a space ark. A few members of the Legion of Super-Heroes (Superboy, Saturn Girl, Lightning Lad, Element Lad, and Colossal Boy), arrive from the 30th century and assist the construction of the space ark. The Kryptonians, accompanied by the Legionnaires from the future, leave Krypton with supplies and a group of giant, dinosaur-like reptiles. They arrive on prehistoric Earth and establish a colony on what is now Western North America. Having believed that Earth was uninhabited by any intelligent species, they are surprised to discover that a colony from Vruun has already been established as Atlantis. ["The War Between Krypton and Earth," Adventure Comics #333 (June, 1965)]
   * War is soon declared between the Atlanteans and the Kryptonians, with each group of Legionnaires taking opposing sides in what is intended to be a bloodless war, until a few Kryptonians are accidentally killed by Atlanteans. Meanwhile, Brainiac 5 discovers that the element xenon in Earth's atmosphere is poisonous to the Atlanteans and will kill them all in time, but if the Atlanteans are genetically modified to become water-breathers and live beneath the ocean, they can be saved. Mon-El arrives from the 30th century in time to stop an atomic missile launched by the Kryptonian colony from destroying Atlantis. The Legionnaires end the war between the Kryptonians and the Atlanteans by genetically modifying the Atlanteans into the original mer-folk (half-human, half-fish), then sinking the city of Atlantis into the ocean. ["The War Between Krypton and Earth," Adventure Comics #333 (June, 1965)]   * War is soon declared between the Atlanteans and the Kryptonians, with each group of Legionnaires taking opposing sides in what is intended to be a bloodless war, until a few Kryptonians are accidentally killed by Atlanteans. Meanwhile, Brainiac 5 discovers that the element xenon in Earth's atmosphere is poisonous to the Atlanteans and will kill them all in time, but if the Atlanteans are genetically modified to become water-breathers and live beneath the ocean, they can be saved. Mon-El arrives from the 30th century in time to stop an atomic missile launched by the Kryptonian colony from destroying Atlantis. The Legionnaires end the war between the Kryptonians and the Atlanteans by genetically modifying the Atlanteans into the original mer-folk (half-human, half-fish), then sinking the city of Atlantis into the ocean. ["The War Between Krypton and Earth," Adventure Comics #333 (June, 1965)]
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   * Anthro, the first modern human, has adventures as a teenager in a prehistoric era.   * Anthro, the first modern human, has adventures as a teenager in a prehistoric era.
   * Kong the Untamed has adventures as a teenager in a prehistoric era.   * Kong the Untamed has adventures as a teenager in a prehistoric era.
-  * Time traveling from 1977 AD, Superman is stranded for some days during a relatively brief period when the sun is red, and he consequently has no super-powers. After being mistaken for a god but showing weakness, he is attacked by a strong caveman named Guarr (who looks like Abraham Lincoln) and is beaten by him. A cave-girl named Virra nurses Superman back to health, and Superman later finds water for her tribe and helps them overcome Guarr and his tribe. Superman is rescued by Superman Robot K-31, who accidentally leaves behind his Superman costume when he changes into Clark Kent's clothing before returning to the present. Guarr adopts Superman's costume as his own and much later dies in a cave while wearing it. Over the next 700,000 years the costume is preserved almost perfectly. //Note: The fact that Superman's costume suffers no wear or tear indicates that this red sun period doesn't last much longer, and is probably the last time a cloud of space gas caused the sun to become red for some years.// ["The Secret of the Stone-Age Superman," Action Comics #350 (May, 1967)]+  * Time traveling from 1977 AD, Superman is stranded for some days during a relatively brief period when the sun is red, and he consequently has no super-powers. After being mistaken for a god but showing weakness, he is attacked by a strong caveman named Guarr (who resembles Abraham Lincoln) and is beaten by him. A cave-girl named Virra nurses Superman back to health, and Superman later finds water for her tribe and helps them overcome Guarr and his tribe. Superman is rescued by Superman Robot K-31, who accidentally leaves behind his Superman costume when he changes into Clark Kent's clothing before returning to the present. Guarr adopts Superman's costume as his own and much later dies in a cave while wearing it. Over the next 700,000 years the costume is preserved almost perfectly. //Note: The fact that Superman's costume suffers no wear or tear indicates that this red sun period doesn't last much longer, and is probably the last time a cloud of space gas caused the sun to become red for some years.// ["The Secret of the Stone-Age Superman," Action Comics #350 (May, 1967)]
 ====650,000 years ago:==== ====650,000 years ago:====
   * Atlas discovers his origins, then constructs the City of the Golden Gate, founding the Atlantean Empire as King Atlas alongside his wife, Queen Lana. [Showcase: Whatever Happened to Atlas?]   * Atlas discovers his origins, then constructs the City of the Golden Gate, founding the Atlantean Empire as King Atlas alongside his wife, Queen Lana. [Showcase: Whatever Happened to Atlas?]
Line 185: Line 186:
 ====Circa 38,000 B.C.:==== ====Circa 38,000 B.C.:====
   * Cro-Magnon man appears in Europe.   * Cro-Magnon man appears in Europe.
-  * Three proto-Green Lanterns chase a criminal named Jinn to Earth, where an accident with a power battery and a stun-ray places all four in suspended animation for 40,000 years. //Note: Since these proto-Green Lanterns knew they were predecessors of the Green Lantern Corps, they must have known of the creation of the Green Lanterns around this time, making them among the last of the proto-Green Lanterns.// ["Those Who Worship Evil's Might," Green Lantern v2 #90 (August-September, 1976)] 
   * The Oans create the power ring and power battery and equip their agents, officially creating the modern Green Lantern Corps.   * The Oans create the power ring and power battery and equip their agents, officially creating the modern Green Lantern Corps.
   * Rori Dag of the planet Rojira becomes the first Green Lantern. Presumably many of the proto-Green Lanterns are also given power rings and invited to join the new Green Lantern Corps shortly afterward. ["The First Green Lantern," Green Lantern v2 #67 (March, 1969)]   * Rori Dag of the planet Rojira becomes the first Green Lantern. Presumably many of the proto-Green Lanterns are also given power rings and invited to join the new Green Lantern Corps shortly afterward. ["The First Green Lantern," Green Lantern v2 #67 (March, 1969)]
 +  * Three proto-Green Lanterns chase a criminal named Jinn to Earth, where an accident with a power battery and a stun-ray places all four in suspended animation for 40,000 years. //Note: Since these proto-Green Lanterns knew they were predecessors of the Green Lantern Corps, they must have known of the creation of the Green Lanterns around this time, making them among the last of the proto-Green Lanterns.// ["Those Who Worship Evil's Might," Green Lantern v2 #90 (August-September, 1976)]
 ====Circa 26,000 B.C.:==== ====Circa 26,000 B.C.:====
   * Neanderthals disappear on Earth.   * Neanderthals disappear on Earth.
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 ====Circa 30 B.C.:==== ====Circa 30 B.C.:====
   * The human race with magical abilities, later referred to as the Homo Magi, found the Hidden Land in Turkey in an attempt to keep the bloodlines pure. The Homo Magi people, plagued with a nearly uncontrollable desire to marry Homo Sapiens, have grown smaller as their magical abilities have been diluted over centuries of breeding with outsiders. [JLA #165]   * The human race with magical abilities, later referred to as the Homo Magi, found the Hidden Land in Turkey in an attempt to keep the bloodlines pure. The Homo Magi people, plagued with a nearly uncontrollable desire to marry Homo Sapiens, have grown smaller as their magical abilities have been diluted over centuries of breeding with outsiders. [JLA #165]
-Circa 4 B.C.:+====Circa 4 B.C.:====
   * Jesus is born in Bethlehem.   * Jesus is born in Bethlehem.
Line 332: Line 334:
 =====14th century===== =====14th century=====
   * The sorceress Lediv, along with King Rantyr and King Goz from unnamed kingdoms, unite to vanquish many nations using the kings' armies and her magic. The old sorceress Liada captures the three through an enchantment spell, imprisoning everyone in the room within a jeweled chess set, where they remain until the chess set is discovered by Prof. Lewis Lang in 1978. //Note: The era from which Lediv, Rantyr, and Goz come is never named, but it is evidently the Middle Ages and probably shortly before the Black Death ravaged Europe.// ["Checkmate for Lois," Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #79 (November, 1967)]   * The sorceress Lediv, along with King Rantyr and King Goz from unnamed kingdoms, unite to vanquish many nations using the kings' armies and her magic. The old sorceress Liada captures the three through an enchantment spell, imprisoning everyone in the room within a jeweled chess set, where they remain until the chess set is discovered by Prof. Lewis Lang in 1978. //Note: The era from which Lediv, Rantyr, and Goz come is never named, but it is evidently the Middle Ages and probably shortly before the Black Death ravaged Europe.// ["Checkmate for Lois," Superman's Girl Friend Lois Lane #79 (November, 1967)]
-Circa 1345:+====Circa 1345:====
   * Aztecs found the great capital city of Tenochtitlan.   * Aztecs found the great capital city of Tenochtitlan.
 ====1347:==== ====1347:====
  • Timeline_of_Earth-1_prehistory_to_18th_century.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/08/21 06:29
  • by docquantum