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The_New_Titans_Fragments [2022/11/12 21:53] docquantum
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 +====== The New Titans: Fragments ======
 +  * **Credits:** by Libbylawrence and Doc Quantum
 +  * **Published:** February 9, 2001
 +  * **Link:** [[|The New Titans: Fragments]]
 +==== Summary ====
 +November, 1985: Kole is in a coma from her Crisis injuries. Dick Grayson infiltrates the Church of Blood in search of Raven and is captured. Donna Troy (Wonder Girl) plans to become the new Wonder Woman. Titans members: Flash II, Dick Grayson (Nightwing), Kole (in hospital, unconscious), Raven, Donna Troy (Wonder Girl). Villains: Mother Mayhem. Guest appearances: Terry Long. ["The New Titans: Fragments, Chapter 1"]
 +==== Full summary: ====
 +  * November, 1985: Donna Troy (Wonder Girl) visits the still-unconscious Kole in the hospital. Wally West (the Flash II) visits her. Dick Grayson travels to Zandia to infiltrate Brother Blood's compound and find Raven. He meets Raven's mother Arella and discovers that Raven has been brainwashed by the Church of Blood. Mother Mayhem of the church captures him. At Titans Tower, Donna tells Wally and her husband Terry Long that she thinks the team may be finished. Wally convinces her that the Titans are still needed. Donna announces her intention to become the new Wonder Woman. ["The New Titans: Fragments, Chapter 1: Recovery"]
 +==== Summary ====
 +December, 1985: The Church of Blood tries to brainwash Dick Grayson. Donna Troy (Wonder Girl), learning Nubia has become the new Wonder Woman, holds a Titans meeting to discuss a mission keeping Doctor Light safe during his extradition to Puerto Verde. There the Titans are attacked by the Children of the Light, while Doctor Light is kidnapped by the Children of the Sun. Roy Harper learns he has a nine-month-old daughter named Lian. Lilith Clay leaves Mount Olympus to stop the Children of the Sun and recruits Changeling and Cyborg, who have learned the missing Mento is in Greece. The Titans also track Doctor Light's transporter signal to Greece. Titans members: Aqualad, Changeling, Cyborg, Donna Troy, Flash II, Hawk, Lilith Clay, Robin II, Speedy (Roy Harper; becomes Arsenal). Villains: Doctor Light, Cheshire, Children of the Light, Children of the Sun. Guest appearances: Lian Harper (daughter of Speedy and Cheshire), Mento (Steve Dayton). ["The New Titans: Fragments, Chapters 2-4"]
 +==== Full summary: ====
 +  * December, 1985: In Zandia, Grayson is subjected to brainwashing techniques meant to convert him to the Church of Blood, but he uses all his training by the Batman to resist. Grayson learns that Mother Mayhem plans an upcoming Resurrection Day of the supposedly dead Brother Blood. Watching the JLA's press conference on TV, Wonder Girl is angered to learn that Nubia has become Wonder Woman II. The Titans have a meeting to discuss their next mission. At the meeting are Donna Troy, Roy Harper (Speedy), Garth (Aqualad), Hank Hall (Hawk), and Jason Todd (Robin II). Wonder Girl explains that King Faraday of CBI wants the Titans to escort Doctor Light to the island nation of Puerto Verde to stand trial for his crimes. The Flash II arrives to join the team on their mission after the JLA's press conference concludes. Roy Harper decides to change his heroic name to Arsenal. ["The New Titans: Fragments, Chapter 2: Extradition"]
 +  * Steve Dayton (Mento), now quite mentally ill and on an island in Greece, has provided prometheum to an unknown group. Garfield Logan (Changeling), Dayton's adopted son, discovers that the missing Dayton recently journeyed to Greece. The Titans arrive in Puerto Verde with Doctor Light. There they are attacked by the Children of the Light, who seek revenge on Doctor Light for manipulating them years ago. They easily subdue the group, which they discover is a distraction, as Cheshire was sent there to kill Doctor Light's unconscious body. Cheshire tells Roy Harper that her daughter Lian is his also, just before the Titans arrest her. Doctor Light is kidnapped by the Children of the Sun, a completely different group who seek his help. ["The New Titans: Fragments, Chapter 3: Children of the Light"]
 +  * In Zandia, Dick Grayson poses as a convert to the Church of Blood, but he secretly plots their escape by sowing a seed of doubt in Azrael through his love for Lilith Clay. On Mount Olympus, Lilith is granted permission by the god Zeus to return to Earth to stop the Children of the Sun. In Puerto Verde, the Titans realize it was not the Children of the Light who abducted Doctor Light and seek to follow the energy trail of the transporter device used to abduct him. Changeling plans to leave for Greece to find Dayton, and the injured and recuperating Cyborg vows to go with him. Since Cheshire is in custody, Harper locates his nine-month-old daughter Lian and takes her home with him. ["The New Titans: Fragments, Chapter 4: Children of the Sun"]
 +==== Summary ====
 +Lilith Clay heals Kole's injuries and recruits her and Jericho. The Flash II tracks down Doctor Light to a Greek island but is captured. Robin II heads back home while the remaining Titans arrive in Greece, rendezvousing with Lilith's recruits, where the team battles the Children of the Sun and Mento. Lilith rejoins the team. Dick Grayson uses Azrael against Brother Blood to defeat him and frees Raven. Meanwhile, on Tamaran, Karras -- the husband of Koriand'r (Starfire II) -- is murdered by an alien alliance that plans to invade Earth, and Koriand'r heads for Earth. Titans members: Aqualad, Arsenal, Changeling, Lilith Clay, Cyborg, Dick Grayson (Nightwing), Flash II, Hawk, Jericho, Kole, Robin II, Starfire II (Koriand'r), Donna Troy. Villains: Brother Blood, Doctor Light, Children of the Sun. Guest appearances: Azrael, Karras (dies), Komand'r, Mento. ["The New Titans: Fragments, Chapters 5-7"]
 +==== Full summary: ====
 +  * Lilith Clay appears in Kole's hospital room, where Joe Wilson (Jericho) is visiting, seeking Kole's help, and heals her injuries. On a Greek island, Doctor Light meets Steve Dayton and is given prometheum to power his devices. The Flash II tracks down Doctor Light's energy trail to a Greek island with a building called Phaeton Industries, but he is stopped by a solid light image and captured by the Children of the Sun. The Titans learn of a new government-run team of rehabilitated villains led by Captain Comet called the Rehab Squad. Robin II heads back home to Gotham City, while the remaining Titans head for Greece. Lilith Clay, Jericho, and Kole arrive to recruit Changeling and Cyborg to go to Greece to stop the Children of the Sun and heal Dayton. ["The New Titans: Fragments, Chapter 5: Regrouping in Greece"]
 +  * In Zandia, Dick Grayson -- believed to be a convert to the Church of Blood -- convinces Azrael to find the hidden Brother Blood and expose him as having faked his death. A Church security agent who is secretly one of the Children of the Sun helps him in order to thwart a rival to Thia's own rebirth. Azrael uses Raven's power against Brother Blood to defeat him, causing him to become catatonic and Raven to become free of Trigon's evil. In Greece, Doctor Light completes work on a prometheum-powered machine meant to allow the goddess Thia to be reborn. The maddened Steve Dayton uses his Mento helmet to attack the Flash II's mind. ["The New Titans: Fragments, Chapter 6: Day of Triumph"]
 +  * On the planet Tamaran, Koriand'r (Starfire II) learns of a planned invasion of Earth by an alien alliance of several alien groups. After Komand'r refuses Tamaran's assistance in the alliance, they kill several Tamaranians, including Karras, leaving his wife Koriand'r a widow. Koriand'r leaves for Earth. In Greece, the two Titans groups appear at the same time and battle Mento and the Children of the Sun, thwarting Thia's rebirth. Lilith Clay rejoins the Titans. At the White House, a high-ranking Cabinet official waiting to see the President plots as one of the Children of the Sun to restore Thia. ["The New Titans: Fragments, Chapter 7: Shadows of the Future"]
 +==== Summary ====
 +January, 1986: Donna Troy and Dick Grayson reconcile. Starfire II returns to Earth with a warning of an impending alien invasion of Earth. Titans members: Dick Grayson (Nightwing), Starfire II (Koriand'r), Donna Troy. Guest appearances: Terry Long. ["The New Titans: Fragments, Epilogue"]
 +==== Full summary: ====
 +  * January, 1986: About a month after the Children of the Sun case, Donna Troy and Terry Long discuss the current status of the Titans. Roy Harper has officially taken the name Arsenal with a new costume and is raising Lian. Changeling is busy with school and helping Steve Dayton recover. Hawk has headed out west. Aqualad is ready for another romance. Dick Grayson calls Donna. Dick apologizes to Donna the next day for his poor behavior after his return from Tamaran and plans to speak with Bruce Wayne. Starfire returns to Earth after traveling and battling through space for weeks and tells Dick and Donna of the impending alien invasion and Karras' death. ["The New Titans: Fragments, Epilogue: Invasions"]
 +==== Summary ====
 +February, 1986: Lilith Clay and Azrael are reunited. Wally West gives his money to charity and regains full speed as the Flash II. Titans members: Lilith Clay, Flash II. Guest appearances: Azrael, Frances Kane. ["The New Titans: Fragments, Epilogue"]
 +==== Full summary: ====
 +  * After the invasion, Lilith Clay and Azrael are reunited, and Lilith has dreams of a dark future. Wally West reveals that he donated his lottery money to charity, forming the Barry Allen Foundation for forensics students and the Iris Allen Photojournalism Scholarship at Central City Community College. He also reveals that he has regained his old speed after the Despero case with the JLA because Mento's earlier mental attack helped break through his own psychological barriers preventing him from attaining full speed. The Flash II is again the fastest man alive. ["The New Titans: Fragments, Epilogue: Invasions"]
 +==== Characters ====
 +==== Locations ====
  • The_New_Titans_Fragments.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/11/12 22:29
  • by docquantum