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Ambush Bug: Let the Buggy Bizarro


January, 1986: Continuity cop Jonni DC, frustrated by Ambush Bug's zaniness, plans a more permanent solution to get him out of her hair. Superman spots Ambush Bug and chases after him. Jonni DC teams up with Argh!yle! to shoot Ambush Bug into space. Cheeks the Toy Wonder accidentally causes the Bizarro duplicator ray to make a Bizarro duplicate of Superman, who in turn makes Bizarro duplicates of Ambush Bug and Cheeks. Jonni DC gasses all the Bizarros, and she and Superman load them onto Argh!yle!'s spacecraft and launch them into space. Note: This story is not strictly in continuity and should not be taken too seriously. [“Ambush Bug: Let the Buggy Bizarro”]

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